Payment methods for Vietnam travel services

Kindly note, we donot have check out from our website so everybooking, we will then send you a confirmation email within 24hours for the availability and instruction for payment. Please check back your email later and donot unspam us as there may have the attachment in our emails and sometimes your email server thinks they are spam but actually not.
Below are methods of payment we used. The first one is top convenient and secured way. You finish your payment in 5 seconds with your creditcards. This method is protected under Verified by Visa, MasterCard Secure Code and JCB J Secure programs. We, however, offer alternative methods for the flexibility.


I) Online checkout payment with your credit/debit cards
If you are worried about filling out your credit/debit card information and send online via email or fax as it is unsafe. We have a perfect solution for you.
OnePay in cooperation with Vietcombank (biggest commercial bank here in Vietnam) have implemented the first online payment gate like PayPal or 2CO. You donot have to worry anymore as all your card information is handled securely under SSL technology with Verisign. The cancellation and refund are strictly followed the International Creditcard Organization rules and stipulation.


II) Payment by Western Union Money Transfer
This is a worldwide online payment, which is fast, secure. The fee varies from each country to Vietnam and you can settle under your local currency with your credit/debit cards. Western Union has many local banking partners in Vietnam enables the quick and effective delivery. The support of Western Union is fast and helpful.


III) Cash on Hotel Arrival
If you can’t do the above methods then cash on arrival is an excellent choice. You give us your hotel booking reference in Vietnam and then our representative will come to pick up the money in cash. Won’t you be happy with this?


IV) By Telegraphic Bank Transfer
This is the safest way we should say. Anyhow, maybe the bank fee is high thus this method is applicable for big amount so you will be free from worries.